The graphical interface
The graphical interface#
Cubix allows to make \(\gamma\)-ray spectroscopy analysis from histograms stored in ROOT files.
To start Cubix, simply use the command cubix
______ __ _ | Documentation:
/ ____/__ __ / /_ (_)_ __ |
/ / / / / // __ \ / /| |/_/ | Source:
/ /___ / /_/ // /_/ // /_> < |
\____/ \____//_____//_//_/|_| | Version 1.0
[== ] Loading tkn db...
The loading of the TkN database is launched in a separate thread at cubix launch. It should take ~15 seconds (if not compiled in Debug) but it's not affecting the cubix usage.
This will open the Cubix main window as bellow:
The Cubix main window is composed of different parts:
The Menu Bar#
The menu bar is composed of the following parts:
- The File menu:
- New Canvas: add a new active canvas to the display part
- New muti-pad Canvas: add a new active multi pad canvas (open a dialog box asking for number of X and Y pads)
- New Browser: open a standard ROOT TBrowser
- Save Canvas as: save the active canvas in the desired format (png, pdf...)
- Save hist as: save the active histogram either in ASCII or Radware format (".spe")
- Exit: exit cubix
- The View menu:
- Browse Files: Open the file browser (part 2 on above picture)
- Saved list: Open the histogram saved list (see bellow)
- Workspace manager: Open the workspace manager (see bellow)
- Show editor: Open the ROOT editor
- Tools: These elements are described in detail in the following
- Options:
- Show stats: to display or not the spectra statistics
- Show Title: to display or not the spectra titles
The file browser#
By default, the left panel is dedicated to the file browser. It allows to navigate in your directories to find your favourite root file and open it (double click).
The file content will be displayed in the ROOT file browser (bottom left part). In this example (figure above), the opened ROOT file contains one 1D histogram.
To display a spectrum, double click on it. Using a right click on 1D/2D histograms, some shortcuts can be available for fits, background analysis or \(\gamma-\gamma\) analysis.
The saved list utility#
During an analysis, it can be useful to save spectra, for being reused or for being saved on disk. Any spectrum can be added to this list (right click: Add to stored spectra). This is in particular useful when doing \(\gamma-\gamma\) analysis to save the different projections.
In the following example, we can see that 3 spectra have been added to the saved list. It is then possible to write these spectra on disk using the "Save" button
The Workspace manager#
The workspace manager allows to create different workspaces for the analysis. A workspace is in general corresponding to an experiment configuration.
A workspace can contain:
- Energy calibration properties:
- graphical plot E (keV) vs E (channels) on which the calibration has been performed
- energy calibration function
- energy calibration error band (95% confidance level) calculated in the fit process
- residual plot resulting from the calibration process
- Efficiency properties:
- efficiency graph on which the fit has been performed
- efficiency function
- efficiency error band (95% confidance level) calculated in the fit process
- Energy resolution properties:
- FWHM graph on which the fit has been performed
- FWHM function
- FWHM error band (95% confidance level) calculated in the fit process
- Angular correlations:
- Geometrical correction factors (Q2/Q4) to be applied to angular correlation measurements
The way to create these files is explained in the following sections.
In the following example, we can see the Workspace manager window, where two workspaces are loaded in Cubix: E680 and SourceRun. The efficiency of the workspace SourceRun is plotted (graph + function + error band).
To create a new workspace, click on New workspace and enter the workspace name. It will create the workspace with all entries defined as None. To fill the workspace, refer to the sections Energy calibration, Efficiency fit or Angular correlations
The content of a workspace can be plotted by clicking on the workspace name and double clicking on its different elements.
To load a workspace, select it by clicking on the workspace name and then click on Load. The workspace will then be printed as Current Workspace in the workspace manager. For exemple, in the figure above, the current workspace is E680, even if the workspace displayed in the bottom left part is SourceRun.
Once a workspace is loaded, its properties will be used in the different Cubix tools:
- The calibration function can be used to calibrate a raw spectrum,
- The efficiency function is used to correct the peak area obtained from the peak fit utility,
- The FWHM function can be used to:
- automatically adapt the width of the gates to the detector resolution,
- constrain the FWHM in the peak fit utility to the detector resolution.
The principle of the Cubix workspace manager is to be able to keep all these information even after closing Cubix. All these properties are thus stored on disk in the Workspace directory. By default, the workspace directory is located in ${HOME}/Cubix_Workspaces.
If a file named .cubixrc is found in the ${HOME}, it is read to configure the workspace manager. This file should be like the following:
*** Cubix configuration file ***
# This file can be copied in the ${HOME} to be automatically read by cubix
# Cubix Workspace define the folder in which the experiment workpaces are stored
CXWorkspace ${HOME}/Softs/Cubix/Workspaces
# Default_WS design the workspace to be loaded by default when launching cubix
Default_WS E680
- The entry corresponding to CXWorkspace refer to the location where the workspaces will be stored.
- The Default_WS defines, if filled, the workspace that is loaded by default when launching cubix.
The workspace directory can also be used to store some specific results from cubix like fit results.