
Operating systems#

Linux (Ubuntu, Scientific Linux, CentOS, Debian, ...) and MacOS X operating systems are supported. No support for Windows.

Basic software#

You will need :

  • git to download the sources

  • cmake to configure the build (at least version 3.8)

  • a compiler supporting C++17

  • a ROOT, version at least version 6.20

Cubix is linked with the TkN library. Two options are proposed:

  1. TkN is not installed and can be built directly with the Cubix package (as a git sub-module)
  2. TkN is already installed and it can be linked with cubix (at least version 2.0)

Getting the sources#

Cubix is available to download and build from source from our GitLab repository.

Lets suppose you plan to install TkN is the following repository:

cd /path/to/mysofts/Cubix

The first time you download the source code, you need to clone the repository by typing the following command:

git clone cubix-sources

This will create a directory called cubix-sources containing the source code. By default, the version of Cubix in this directory will correspond to the last version of the master branch.

To list the available cubix versions, use:

cd cubix-sources
git tag

The release specific tag can be obtained using:

git checkout -b v1.2 v1.2

Build and install#

cmake configuration#

In the folder Cubix (see above section), create the build and install directories:

mkdir cubix-build cubix-install
cd cubix-build

If TkN is already installed on your machine, go to option 2.

  • Option 1: TkN is built directly with the Cubix package
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../cubix-install -DBUILTIN_TKN=On ../cubix-sources

That should end with something similar to:

Cubix compiled with c++11 standards
Cubix compiled in Release mode !
-- ROOT Found in /Softs/root/install-6.28.06-cxx17
-- ROOT Version: 6.28.06 
-- mathmore lib has been found
TkN version: 2.0
TkN compiled with c++17
TkN compiled in Release mode !
Looking for ROOT:
-- ROOT Found in /Softs/root/install-6.28.06-cxx17
-- ROOT Version: 6.28.06 
Looking for SQlite:
-- tksqlite3 loaded
Loading libraries
 -> tkbase
 -> tkdb
 -> tkphysics
 -> tkroot
Building users exec:
 -> tkn-print
 -> tkn-db-update
 ROOT execs -> tkn-root
TkN Configuration
TkN database will be downloaded at install step
Loading libraries
 -> CubixCore
 -> CubixTools
 -> CubixRadwareInterface
 -> CubixGui
Building Cubix executable
 -> cubix
 -> CubeBuilder
Cubix Configuration
-- Configuring done (0.3s)
-- Generating done (0.1s)
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/dudouet/temp/cubix-build
  • Option 2: TkN is already installed (and loaded in your system environment)
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../cubix-install ../cubix-sources

That should end with something similar to:

Cubix compiled with c++11 standards
Cubix compiled in Release mode !
-- ROOT Found in /Applications/root_v6.26.04
-- ROOT Version: 6.26.04
Looking for TkN:
TkN found in: /Applications/TkN/tkn-lib/install
TkN version:  2.0
Loading libraries
 -> CubixCore
 -> CubixTools
 -> CubixRadwareInterface
 -> CubixGui
Building Cubix executable
 -> cubix
Cubix Configuration
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Applications/Cubix/build
Compile and install#
make -jN install

With N being the number of processors available. On a single-core machine, just type make install. On a multi-processor machine, the build process can be considerably speeded-up by performing the compilation in parallel. For example, on a quad-core machine, type make -j4 install etc...

Setting up the environment#

After installing, you can use one of the following scripts to set up the necessary paths on your system to find the executables and run-time libraries. Choose the right script for your shell:

source /path/to/mysofts/Cubix/cubix-install/bin/thiscubix.csh      [(t)csh shell]
source /path/to/mysofts/Cubix/cubix-install/bin/       [(ba)sh shell] 

After doing this you should be able to do e.g.:

cubix-config --version

Launching the cubix program should give the following output

   ______        __     _       | Documentation:
  / ____/__  __ / /_   (_)_  __ |
 / /    / / / // __ \ / /| |/_/ | Source:   
/ /___ / /_/ // /_/ // /_>  <   |
\____/ \____//_____//_//_/|_|   | Version 1.0

[==        ] Loading tkn db...

The loading of the TkN database is launched in a separate thread. It is necessary to wait its full loading to use tools that are intereacting with nuclear databases (like the ENSDF reader or the nuclear chart). On standard computers, with a compilation not using debug, it should takes around 10-15 seconds.

Update the Cubix database#

If you want to upgrade the Cubix version, you need to pull the last version of the git repository

cd /path/to/cubix/cubix-sources
git fetch origin

then choose the tag you want to use:

git tag
git checkout -b tag tag

and recompile the new version (see Build and install).

Update the TkN database#

The TkN database is updated every mounth.

To check which version of the database your are using, use:

tkn-config --dbfile

If you want to update it, use the TkN tool named tkn-db-update:

To show the last versions available:

tkn-db-update --show

To download the last version available:

tkn-db-update --download