Operating systems#
Linux (Ubuntu, Scientific Linux, CentOS, Debian, ...) and MacOS X operating systems are supported. No support for Windows.
Basic software#
You will need :
git to download the sources
cmake to configure the build (at least version 3.8)
a compiler supporting C++17
a ROOT, version at least version 6.20
On the latest ROOT versions, the mathmore library is no more installed by default. To use the tools based on the mathmore library, as angular correlations, add the mathmore compilation option in your ROOT building command line:
cmake -Dmathmore=ON ...
The prefered minimizer for fits is Minuit2. If not installed by default by ROOT, use the compilation option in your ROOT building command line
cmake -Dminuit2=ON ...
. For Root versions >=6.32, minuit2 is now installed by default.
TkN link#
Cubix is linked with the TkN library. Two options are proposed:
- TkN is not installed and can be built directly with the Cubix package (as a git sub-module)
- TkN is already installed and it can be linked with cubix (at least version 2.0)